Meet our Ambassadors
Our Wildlife Ambassadors attend presentations and information booths for an experience you will never forget!
Each non-releasable Wildlife Ambassador has a story to tell about why they are not able to return to the wild and a lesson to teach about how we peacefully coexist with wildlife. From owls, hawks and falcons, to reptiles and amphibians - our presentations give you a chance to meet them up close!

Great Grey Owl
Ash was found as an orphaned fledgling, and became imprinted on her rescuers. Ash no longer recognizes herself as her own species, and identifies more with humans. Due to this, Ash can never be released.

Great Horned Owl
Griffin was found as an orphaned fledgling and was kept with his rescuers for too long resulting in Griffin becoming imprinted on humans. Imprinting is an essential process that baby birds must undergo in order to recognize their own species, as a result Griffin can never be released.

Great Horned Owl
Max was found as an orphaned fledgling on the side of the ditch. Parasites had begun to infect Max’s ears, which caused permanent hearing loss. Max’s compromised hearing would prevent him from finding prey in the wild.

Mississippi Kite
Milan was brought to Wildlife Haven for rehabilitation from the Assiniboine Park Zoo. She had fallen out of her nest and attempts to reunite her with her parents were unsuccessful. Milan sustained a wing injury during her fall from the nest and can no longer fly properly.

Peregrine Falcon
Chinook was found in Morden, Manitoba suffering from a swollen and fractured left wing. Her injuries caused a large amount of calcification to her wrist and she no longer has proper control of her flight feathers.

Bald Eagle
Majestic was brought to Wildlife Haven all the way from Reiny River, Ontario as a juvenile. She was dehydrated and starving and appeared to have an old fracture on her left wing. Majestic does not have full control of her flight feathers and therefore cannot be released back into the wild.

American Crow
Jet was brought to Wildlife Haven as a juvenile with a broken wing. His rescuers kept Jet for two weeks before bringing him to us. In that time, the wing healed improperly and Jet became imprinted on humans.

Great Horned Owl
Una was found as a fledgling with a missing right eye and a misaligned beak, which upon examination were determined to be congenital. Una was being neglected by his parents, likely due to his injuries. With only one eye, Una would have had difficulty hunting for prey.

Turkey Vulture
Leo was found in Morden, Manitoba in an abandoned building next to a deceased sibling. His parents were not seen in the area and therefore Leo was brought to Wildlife Haven. It was determined that Leo had become too friendly towards humans, a behaviour that is taught to young birds by their parents. Due to Leo’s friendly nature he could not be released.

Western Tiger Salamander
Tigger is a Western Tiger Salamander that came to our centre in 2014 as an adult. Dropped off at the humane society after being kept as a pet for a year by an individual who decided they no longer wanted it
Since Tigger has been kept in captivity and we do not know what he has been exposed to he is non-releasable.

Peregrine Falcon
Artemis was first brought to Wildlife Haven in 2017 with a fracture to his left wrist. The injury to his wing prevented him from being released and therefore he was transferred to Parkland Mews to participate in their Peregrine Falcon breeding program. After two years of not producing any offspring, Artemis was transferred back to Wildlife Haven to participate in our Murray Education Program.
Barred Tiger Salamander
Roo is a male Barred Tiger Salamander that came to our center in 2014 as an adult after being surrendered to us by an individual at a breeders reptile show. Because Roo was kept with other amphibians and reptiles (including exotics) there is a risk of him transmitting non-native bacteria and diseases to our native wildlife, therefore, he cannot be release.

Western Hognose Snake
Bruce is a Western Hognose snake that came to our Centre in 2013. He was bought from a reptile distributor in the city, but the buyer was not made aware of By-laws that prohibit owning certain animals. Once aware the buyer surrendered Bruce to us.
Because Bruce came from the pet trade and we don’t know much about his background, he cannot be released.
Eastern Box Turtle
Elliot came into our care in 2010 after being found walking up someone's driveway in Winnipeg. Even with the proper permits Elliot would not have been able to be released back into the wild because he may have been kept with other exotic animals and there is a risk of him transmitting non native diseases and viruses to the native wildlife.

Corn Snake
Basil was found outside alone at Assiniboine Park and brought to the Winnipeg Humane Society. Sadly no owner came forward to claim him leading us to believe he was abandoned outside in the wild. Because Basil is not native to Manitoba and was kept in human care, he cannot be release back into the wild and is now a permanent resident at Wildlife Haven!

Turkey Vulture
Meet Gus, our newest Wildlife Haven Ambassador! Gus, found abandoned in Neepawa as a nestling, was the lone survivor among his siblings. Despite our efforts to rehabilitate him for the wild, Gus lacked the necessary instincts after 70 days of care. Now, transitioning from patient to ambassador, Gus undergoes special training, learning to perch, stand on scales, and fly. Welcome to the Ambassador Team, Gus! We're thrilled to have you!
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